Sunday, January 29, 2012

And So It Begins...

Morning Sickness.
Food Aversions.
Pregnancy Brain.

It's real. Very, very real. All of it. And it's all happening at the Mynatt house on a regular basis... we've been able to get a handle on the morning sickness with medicine and the food aversions are mostly gone... due to all the nausea, I was losing weight in the first couple of months, but boy oh boy I think we've made up for it in the 2nd trimester!  I'm still not super excited about any meat- chicken, beef- you name it and I USED to eat it.....I'm getting better about getting my protein whenever I can, but I'm never craving it. Milk has become a permanent fixture in our fridge- and the half gallon that used to get thrown out from going bad is barely lasting a few days.... we may have to upgrade to the big-daddy gallon... 

After a dating ultrasound, we were given the magical date of
         May 9, 2012...
...and thus the journey began. We've had a very regular first half of the pregnancy- and after making it to 13 weeks and a healthy doctor's appointment, announced it to all of our friends and family who we hadn't broken down and told yet... I was a ball of nerves and anxiety up until that appointment. You don't realize the percentage of pregnancies that go wrong in those first couple months, and it just wasn't something I wanted to have to tell people- so we chose to only tell family and a few very close friends. I had to tell my sales team at the store, of course- they needed to understand why I was spending more time in the bathroom than slinging jeans! 

Here is a picture of me and the belly (with Burt in the background- of course!) right before Justin and I went out for dinner on Halloween 2011 to celebrate our two year wedding anniversary! I was about 14 weeks I think? Oh how different this year's halloween was from what the next will be... 
who am I kidding? From a halloween will EVER be again! 
After our delicious meal at P.F.Chang's (uh, yum.) we spent the evening hoping for trick-or-treaters (got none.) and trading ideas for an awesome costume for a 5 month old.... 
November and December consisted of one really exhausted couple...Justin was putting in alot of time at work and it goes without saying that these two months are the busiest time for me at the store- but we had something to look forward to- finding out if we were going to have a little boy or girl! Our appointment was scheduled for December 23rd- which worked out perfect as my family came out to visit for Christmas.
My mom, sister, and Justin's mom joined us that morning for our ultrasound and we were able to capture amazing images and video of our little one.... what an amazing Christmas present to tell everyone we were expecting a 
   beautiful little GIRL!
I was so excited for either a boy or girl- but all of my ideas of my first child- clothes shopping, nursery designs, baby names- it all seemed to be centered around a little girl. Early dreams were always of us with a baby girl, and I found myself calling the baby 'her' and 'she' all the time.... but Justin has a family of all boys, so I didn't know if it was just me being crazy and hopeful...
but here were are- expecting a DAUGHTER in May.... and so the name game has begun. We've been able to narrow it down to 6 possibilities- only because I am so indecisive and love them all! I don't think we're going to tell anyone even if we do decide on one before she makes her debut, just to avoid hearing 'oh, that's different..' or '...I knew someone named that and...' 
Until then, my attentions are focused on her crazy dance moves that she likes to show off at 2am and my ideas floating around in my head about her nursery...  Pinterest has been my favorite procrastinating tool for a while now, and it definitely has come in handy for me to get my thoughts together for this room. Now it's just a matter of finding EXACTLY. WHAT. I. WANT. :) Yep- if you know me, you know it's gotta be that difficult! I'm hoping to put together a ideaboard for the post I'm planning focused on all things NURSERY! I just can't wait to dive in and get all the details started for lil Miss M's first room! 

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