Sunday, January 29, 2012

A little backstory on the Belly....

Better late than never, right? 
We're officially 26 weeks into our pregnancy with our first baby, and while I've been keeping my own handwritten journal entries, and taking belly photos here and there... I thought it was time for a more organized plan to document and remember this amazing experience that we are going through. 
So here goes... 
The husband, Justin, and I have been married about two and a half years. Originally from Nebraska, I moved to Colorado shortly after college graduation and after a three year relationship and one year engagement, we were married on Halloween in 2009...

...We bought a perfect little house in Evans, Colorado where I am the manager of the local Buckle store, and Justin works at the new hospital in Loveland...

...Our 'firstborn' furry loves in our lives currently are Winston and Burt. Winston is a 3 year old Siamese and Burt is a sweet little 1 year old white Boxer..... 

Last September, my little sister Bridgett came out to visit for Labor Day weekend. I felt a little off the entire time she was visiting, and she keep suggesting (hopefully) that maybe I was pregnant....

After so many months of trying and dreaming and negative tests, I wanted to hold out until I felt more certain it could be it. Finally, on a Wednesday morning after Justin had left for work, I was laying in bed thinking of nothing but that stupid little test sitting in my bathroom.  I spent the next half hour crying and laughing and my poor animals probably thought I was crazy....should I drive the half hour to Justin's work to tell him before I have to be at work? Should I wait until after? Should I call him?  I decided to try to pull it together and wait to tell him in person after work....
As hard as it is to pee on that stupid thing and wait- it's even harder to go an ENTIRE DAY at work not telling anyone such amazing news! Justin came home that night to a onesie that said "Daddy's Soccer Star" and the positive test.....

Waiting a day to tell Justin? Absolutely nothing compared to how hard it is to wait a WEEK to tell my family! We decided I would make the trip back to Nebraska to tell them in person, so phone calls were short and edited for many days and keeping it in was one of the hardest things! 

We had our first consult appointment and our families knew the exciting we could anxiously await our first physical appointment and all that these upcoming months would bring....

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